Biosuccinium™ Applications

Polybutylene Succinate (PBS)

Polybutylene Succinate (PBS) is one of the newest biopolymers under development for numerous applications worldwide. PBS joins PLA, PBAT and PHA in the growing family of biopolymers.

PBS is currently produced from petrochemical-based succinic acid and petrochemical-based 1,4 butanediol (1,4 BDO). While PBS is already biodegradable, Biosuccinium™ can make the polymer partly or even 100% bio-based.

Partially Bio-based PBS

PBS creating with 1,4 BDO and Biosuccinium

100% Bio-based PBS

Creation of 100% bio-based PBS


PBS is flexible and heat resistant. It can be used as matrix polymer, or as a modifier (blend partner) that can be used in combination with another chemical such as polylactic acid (PLA).

PBS is also used in packaging (food), mulch films, non wovens, fiber/textile, consumer goods, electrics and electronics, automotive interior, and others. In addition, PBS is also used to produce coffee/tea cups, bowls, plates, plastic utensils, agricultural mulch films and diapers.